As I'm sitting here listening to some worship (Hillsong beats all for me), a thought has been crossing my mind. I've heard life is like a rollercoaster, but I've always enjoyed believing that means that I get to the top of the chain lift, to the highest point of the ride, and stop. Just stop. Sit there and enjoy the view and the feeling of being on top. Of course that doesn't happen! The coaster continues on the pre-determined tracks, which means it MUST go down. Lately it's been a bit of a HUGE drop.
I don't really want to go into a ton of details, but family life has just about pulled a 180. This can either end up very well, or catastrophic. I'm not prepared for catastrophic (or so I think). This has been wearing the crap out of my nerves. I've been losing sleep, I'm constantly worn out and I'm starting to decline in some ways of life. How much of this is me being unreasonable though? How much is due to the situation? I'm saying a good amount of it is me freaking out, but it's all a result of the situation.
I'm not going to lie though, my support during this time has been monumental. I have people who are really close to me going through almost the same thing. I have some great people willing to listen to me. Friends are showing great support. My friend Paul listened to me whine about it all last week and offered some great advice. Danny, Tim, Kyla, Bethany and Joe (whether they know it or not) have been great as well. If anyone has had the biggest effect though, it's been Mr. Meerkreebs. Zach is a phenomenal person and I mean it. This Sunday Zach prayed over me during worship at church, and it was one of the most powerful feelings I've ever had. (Zach, if you're reading this, you pretty much rock harder than something that... really rocks)
As crazy stressful and terrifying as this time has been, I feel like it's been totally necessary. While life may not quiet be as God had originally planned it to be, He's really building me up. I have a deeper level of trust in several friendships now, and that's going to be helpful throughout life.
As cheesy as it is, a rollercoaster is a great example for life. The tracks are all pre-set by a Creator and every up and down comes with purpose. When the coaster heads downhill and gains speed, that can be the most exciting and fulfilling part of the ride, while being terrifying. While plummeting down and keeping this in mind can be hard, it's true. You can't have an up without first having a down on a rollercoaster, and if you were to stay up, where's the fulfillment in that?
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